“I am a frontline civil servant at an impasse in my current role. I would like a change


I am a front-line public servant approaching 30 years of service and I am fortunate to have the option of retiring at 52 or continuing in this job until I am 60. I would like to change and I will not need a huge salary because I will no longer have a mortgage and my wife is working.

I could probably get a local casual job, but would prefer to use my experience and qualifications more productively. I’m at an impasse in my current role and feel like I’m not being appreciated for my contribution so far. I became frustrated and discouraged with a job that I loved, but I will not progress in terms of promotion or role at this point. This may be due to my age and/or my lack of (let’s call it) “networking”. I’m familiar with Springboard+ and I’m watching job postings, but I think I need career guidance for someone my age.

I still have so much to offer, but my current employer doesn’t see it.


The stagnation of your working life at 52 is an issue worth addressing because you have so much of your life ahead of you. One aspect of your situation is that you suffer from resentment over your lack of progress and recognition, so you need to make sure this doesn’t detract from your optimism for the future.

Career counseling would be a great idea and maybe you could also see what other people have done in your situation as I’m sure you’re not the first to retire early so ask yourself and arrange to meet a range of those who have successfully exited in the past. What you need is an exit plan, and that plan needs to consider both your future opportunities and any feelings of declining self-esteem, and these aspects can work in conjunction with each other. others. You could restore your confidence by connecting with the excellent service to the community you have given so far – there is no doubt that as a frontline worker you have people who have appreciated your dedication.

You can ask your friends and family what they think of your contribution. However, frontline work places a huge demand on those who do it, so burnout is a common theme among the ranks of those who find themselves on the job for years. Now is the time to breathe, invest in yourself, and consider your own needs going forward. Have you considered counseling alongside the career counseling option? It could help you discover all the sources of a feeling of deflation and low self-esteem and help you make good decisions in time. It would be surprising if your organization did not offer confidential counseling as an option and you should seek this out immediately. It often takes a lot of courage to ask for help, but you’ve taken the first step by writing the letter, so use that momentum to go further.

Confidence is not just an emotional and mental aspect of our being; it is also highly relevant to our physical and social well-being. Consider joining a gym, sports club, or (if you’re brave enough) a yoga class, as it will give you a sense of well-being that will boost your self-confidence and may well have a social aspect that could expand your circle of friends. Your exit plan will involve talking, both to others and to yourself, so start by doing this daily – you could create a habit by talking first to loved ones, then to colleagues and friends.

It can be helpful to try conversations in places that are not usual, such as asking your wife to go for a walk on a beach or to go out for breakfast and explain that you need his help to talk about what is happening to you. The goal is not to come to a solution quickly, but to explore all options, feelings and aspirations until you have a clear idea of ​​what is important to you. Your friends will understand and support you if you let them know what’s going on, and career advice and guidance will give you a foundation and confidence in your abilities.

Because you will have an income, your range of options is good, and you may be able to combine some of your considerable experience with further education and find meaningful occupation for yourself. It’s hard to break out of stagnation, but your major contribution to life can still be ahead of you if you manage to be open and alert to opportunity.

#frontline #civil #servant #impasse #current #role #change

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